Hi, I am Fabian.

I write scientific code. Mostly in C and C++, mostly efficient. You can find me at different places across the internet. Below is a small list.


Past Publications, Talks and Posters

2024: 2022: 2021: 2020: 2019: 2018: 2017: 2016: 2015: Also checkout my Google Scholar Profile

Imprint and Privacy Policy

Fabian Klötzl <fabian-spam@kloetzl.info> Everyone with legit reasons can omit the -spam.

This site does not log any data except for debugging purposes. The latter is data your browser send to me unasked and is stored only temporarily. This website does not use cookies or forward any data to third parties (eg. ad networks, analytics).

If you send me an e-mail my server and me will store your sender address and other personal information permanently. This is required for the mail service to work. I will hold it dear and hope that you do the same for my data.